Ten Story Love
Laugh At Yourself Dept.
We’re always on the lookout for good jokes about musicians. Check out these Guitarist Jokes, Bass Player Jokes, and Drummer Jokes.
Bands, Performers and Artists We Can’t Live Without:
Todd Rundgren is a big favorite of ours. A brilliant songwriter with an incredibly varied career, you can learn more about Todd at The Todd Rundgren Connection, or at his own website (www.patronet.com) where you can even join his innovative subscription service.
Brad listens to Doug Powell whenever he needs to get his songwriting juices flowing. His songwriting is literate, emotionally charged and sweepingly moving… some of the catchiest, craftiest songs you’ve (n)ever heard. Visit his website and discover this brilliant artist for yourself, and drop by Doug’s MP3.com page to check out some of his tunes — you’ll see why he’s one of our favorite songwriters.
Bruce Cockburn is a great songwriter, and Scot, Mike & Brad are all big fans. You can learn more about Bruce from Gavin’s Woodpile, The Bruce Cockburn Newsletter, or check out some of the sites on the Bruce Cockburn WebRing.
Mike and Brad can’t get enough of Aimee Mann. Her pop songs are infectious, her heartbreaking ballads are, well, heartbreaking… plus we still remember when she used to work behind the counter at Newbury Comics. Check out her Official Website (where you can order her brand-new album), or this nice Fan Site.
Ten Story Love likes great songs. Matthew Sweet writes great songs. For more info on Matthew, there’s the Ugly Truth Fanzine, and there’s a nice Matthew Sweet fan page here.
Where do you go after Uncle Tupelo? Brad likes Wilco, Mike prefers Son Volt; either way, both bands are great, so everybody wins!
We’re all big fans of Cheap Trick, a band that pretty much defines the sound of late ’70’s Power-Pop, and they’re a big influence on the way we approach the guitar. They’ve got a great website at CheapTrick.com.
One of Brad’s favorite songwriters is Paul Westerberg. Arguably the premier songwriter of his generation, Westerberg released classic albums with The Replacements and continues to record terrific solo work. You can find out more about him on the Unofficial Paul Westerberg Page. And check out the Replacements Web Page from Twin Tone Records.
Lately, you’ll hear the music of Lucinda Williams and Chris Knight blastin’ out of Scot’s CD player. Maybe it should be coming from your speakers, too.
Adrian Belew is one of the most innovative guitar payers of all time, but he’s also an amazing songwriter. The Adrian Belew website is a nice site with frequent contributions from Adrian himself.And don’t miss the The Bears, yet another of Adrian’s projects– these guys are absolutely brilliant!
XTC is another favorite of ours; everything you ever wanted to know about XTC can be found at the Chalkhills website.
For years, Scot has been diggin’ the soul-deep guitar styles of Ry Cooder and David Lindley. If you’re a guitar player, you gotta appreciate these masters.
If you love power-pop music as much as we do, then you’ve got to check out the artists on Not Lame Recordings, a record label dedicated to the art of rocking pop, meaty hooks, and crafty tunes. Some of the best power pop acts in the world are at Not Lame. They carry great CD’s from artists like Myracle Brah, The Shazam and Starbelly (you might not know their names but you’ll LOVE their music). Not Lame has a “listening booth” where you can sample some of these artists. Not Lame Recordings sets the standard for the power pop genre, so if you’re looking for the best of the best, this is the right place to start. Give them a shot– you’ll be glad you did.
Speaking of Power-Pop, Badfinger practically defined the sound. Badfinger issued a series of seminal albums before self-destructing (founding member Pete Ham, frustrated & distraught, took his life in 1975; bandmate Tom Evens followed suit 8 years later). Visit the Official Badfinger Homepage or spend some time on the Badfinger WebRing to learn more about this seminal band.
One of Brad’s all-time favorite bands was Small Faces. Never meeting with much success in the U.S. or getting the respect they deserved, Small Faces were nonetheless one of the best groups on the British rock scene in the ’60’s, mixing the mod intensity of The Who with the Kinks’ veddy-British roots. Room for Ravers is a great site dedicated to the lads.
The Chicago band Enuff Z’Nuff has been on the scene for over a decade, mixing Beatle-ish power pop with straight-ahead rock. Although big commercial success never came to pass, the band has a loyal following, including members of Ten Story Love. Check out the Official Enuff Z’Nuff website and turn yourself into a fan.
What can we say about The Beatles? We’re all big fans. There’s only about a million Beatles websites… start at the UBL and you can surf to your heart’s content.
And speaking of the UBL… if there’s a band you can’t live without, you can learn more about them (and almost any band you can think of) at The Ultimate Band List.
Friends & Co-Conspirators
There are a lot of terrific musicians out there that you may not be aware of. In a better world, they’d all be household names. Ten Story Love hopes that you take the time to check out these artists– some are friends, some are just people we admire; all are worthy of your attention.
Rob Lamothe paid his dues with hard rockin’ bands like Aircraft and The Riverdogs in Los Angeles during the heyday of 1980’s Heavy Metal. After years of struggles & broken dreams, Rob eventually headed north to Canada, and underwent a renaissance as a songwriter. Having found his own voice at last, Rob writes and records his way, putting his heart & soul into some really fine tunes. Check out any of his albums and you’ll see what we mean.
We met Mike Lasala at the IMX Conference in New York, where he spoke on a panel discussion. His dedication and love for music impressed us; his songs impressed us even more. Check out Mike’s website, and his band Seed Cycle, for their own unique brand of “Acoustic Groove with Attitude”.
There’s nothing quite like a Billy Dare & The Pumps show. As Boston Rock Magazine put it, “There’s life after Rocky Horror and its name is Billy Dare & The Pumps!” Ribald & rockin’, these guys (and gal) give a whole new meaning to “tongue-in-cheek”.
Whether you call it “Alternative Country”, “Americana” or “No Depression”, October Sons make a glorious sound that deserves to be heard. Lend them your ear and you won’t be disappointed.
The folks at Mojo Music Studios run an excellent recording studio in Northern New Hampshire. It’s a great place to work. We highly recommend it. Check ’em out!
Other Local NH & Mass Bands to check out:
The Bloodsuckers have been described as “Hank Williams on speed”. Lewd ‘n’ crude local Barn Rock at its finest. Sadly, they are no more, but hopefully the members will re-appear in some fashion. We await…
Bad Medicine: No bull with these guys– just straight-forward rock ‘n’ roll. Check out their website for their gig schedule, song list, and other good stuff.
You can tune into New Hampshire Picks Radio on MP3.com for a taste of the wide variety of music being made by artists in our area. Give it a listen!
For more info on the New England music scene, check out NewEnglandRock.com, NHTunes.com and New Hampshire Rocks for events, calendars & artist info.
That’s Gooood Readin’:
Mike enjoys reading The Onion and Salon Magazine. Check it out for yourself.
We’re still big comics fans; check out the Marvel, DC, and Stan Lee Media websites to see what the leading comic publishers are up to.
And don’t forget the master– Jack Kirby! Visit the Jack Kirby Collector website for all things Kirby.
Other Favorites:
The Simpsons is the Official Ten Story Love Favorite TV Show, and with good reason. Check out The Simpsons Archive, an excellent fan site, as well as the new “official” Simpsons website. And you must check out the new TV series Futurama by Simpsons creator Matt Groening. Futurama does to Science-Fiction what The Simpsons did to the American family.
As well as playing guitar and writing songs, Scot is also known around town for his photography. Here are a few his favorite photographers: Helmut Newton, Joel Peter Witkin, David Hamilton, and Richard Farber.

The main principle of Buddhist thought is impermanence. Artist Andy Goldsworthy has integrated the idea of impermanence into much of his work, creating art that incorporates its own temporary, brief lifespan as part of its beauty. Goldsworthy says, “Each work grows, stays, decays. Process and decay are implicit. Transience in my work reflects what I find in nature.” Brad, who really enjoys Goldsworthy’s artwork, says “His art finds its beauty not only in its physical appearance, but in its very fleeting existence as well. Captured on film at its peak, we are intrinsically aware that the work will not last. It really helps me to see the joy & beauty in our own short lifetime. “
Brad also has the artwork of H.R. Giger throughout his house, even though it scares away visitors (or maybe because it scares away visitors…)
If you like the films of Director Kevin Smith as much as we do, you should check out his View Askew website. (Mallrats is a great film– critics be damned!)
Music Resources: If you (or someone you know) is a musician, here are some resources and tools that’ll come in handy:
For digital audio editing, there’s no better product than Sound Forge by Sonic Foundry. We used Sound Forge extensively when recording our CD, as well as their CD Architect product. And Brad uses ACID (the software, not the drug, wiseguy!) as a songwriting tool.
The other piece of software that is essential to our recording process is Cubase SX.
Here are a ton of guitar-related websites:
If you need stage lighting, here are two great sites to research and shop for lighting gear: SLD Lighting and Starlight Entertainment.
Guitarist Alert! Check out The Guit@rists Network for tablature, info on guitar tunings, Scale Finder, Chord Finder, and guitar news. It’s also a good place to locate other guitarists who share your interests.
Here are a few of our favorite places to buy music gear:
If you’re looking for acoustic or electric guitars and basses, you should check out The Guitar Gallery. They always have some great vintage guitars in stock and good deals on new ones, too.
For an all-purpose music store, it’s hard to beat Daddy’s Junky Music. A great place for amps, PA, drums, keyboards and guitars.
Both Mike & Brad are addicted to buying gear on eBay… this auction site always has a TON of excellent guitars, amps and everything you can think of. Next time you’re looking for some new equipment, start here!
Visit Media51 for one of the best Internet Radio shows focusing on indie artists.

A good place to list your band’s info & schedule is NetSignedMusic.com.
One of the best resources for independent musicians is the Indie Contact Bible, which contains tons of information on fanzines, clubs, radio shows, etc. You’ll find this book extremely useful.
One of the hot new places on the ‘net to discover new artists (and get your own band listed, too) is loudENERGY. Give it a whirl!
If you’re an independent, unsigned artist or band and would like to promote your own music, a good place to start is www.recycledmusic.com. As an artist, you can promote and sell your music on their site, and as a fan or listener, it’s a great place to become exposed to new music.
One of our favorite places that promotes new bands is The CD Music Page http://www.cdmusicpage.com/index.shtml – Promoting independent music with text, sound, images, video and news.
Visit Virtual Tunes — a great resource for indie bands and musicians. Links to MP3’s and plenty of useful resources.
Inspired by the biologists attempting to map the human genome, MusicDish has launched the Music Genome Project whose goal is to identify and map the components which make up the Online Music Industry. If you’re looking for music, this is a great place to start.

If you’re a Do It Yourselfer, visit The DIY Search. If you’re a musician, artist, writer or creator of any kind, and you’re doing it all on your own (we are, too), then this site is where you can communicate with other DIY’ers and find those of like minds.
The MusicRing is a free service for independent bands and musicians only. If you or your band has a website, you can join together with The MusicRing to create an endless ring of sites, all with the same subject, which people can browse without having to muddle through search engines. The Music Ring is for Musicians who play to live.
Discover new bands or add your own group to the list at Indie-Music.com
Check out The Jukebox: New indy music and videos.
A terrific website for discovering indie bands is www.stompinground.com.
If you’re keeping an eye out for new talent, you should take a look at Collegemusic.com — “New Music, No Attitude.”
And you can find some very useful music-related links, plus some featured bands, at Manifest Music.
Whether you’re a musician or not, here’s a few great sites where you can find some great music:
You can find a ton of great music at Amazon.com. Use the search box below to locate any item on the Amazon.com website:
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If you’re looking for imports, collectible, or hard-to-find CD’s, the best place to start is Silver Moon Music. Silver Moon has a great selection of imports and rare stuff that you just won’t find any place else.
And while we’re on the subject of rare albums… if you have some rare, hard-to-find or impossible-to-replace records (you know, the old vinyl LP), then you should check out LP2CD.com, a business that specializes in converting old albums into CD’s. Very cool!
Web Resources: So you wanna be a Web Meister? Here are our favorite sites for designing & Building websites.
Elated has a great “toolkit” website where you can download buttons, graphics, and whole website layouts called “PageKits”. This Ten Story Love website was heavily influenced by their PageKits, and we’ve used a few of their graphics here & there. Please check them out!
All of our HTML pages were authored in Edit Plus, which can best be described as “Notepad on steroids”. It’s not WYSIWYG, but for those of you who prefer to roll your own HTML code, this is the best product out there. Download a shareware copy from www.editplus.com.
Miscellaneous & Sundry:
As you may have noticed, we have a bit of a fascination with space, the cosmos, and all things astral. Here’s a great place to view the heavens– The NASA NSSDC Photo Gallery.
Ten Story Love supports Free Speech on the Internet and the Blue Ribbon Campaign for Online Freedom Of Expression. For more information please visit the Electronic Frontier Foundation website.
Another organization fighting censorship is Rock Out Censorship, a grass roots anti-censorship organization seeking to counteract efforts being made to restrict First Amendment rights. These guys are pissed off!
On Sept 4th, the best musicians in the Boston area united to raise awareness of independent music: the music you don’t hear on mainstream TV or radio. Ten Story Love took part in the Boston “Tourbaby” show at Sky Bar in Somerville MA. See pictures from the show in our Photo Gallery.